Heritage, Planning, Art, Life.. 

Dr. (Ms.) Ayşe Ege Yıldırım is an urban planner specializing in heritage conservation, with 20 years of combined experience working in Turkey and internationally. Having been in various positions in the private, public, voluntary and academic sectors, she is interested in balancing the academic and the executive in her profession- i.e. theory and action.

After five years in Abu Dhabi working with the emirate’s culture and tourism authority, Ege relocated to Istanbul in late 2012 and created the brand ‘A. Ege Yıldırım Heritage- Planning’, seeking to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations and thus offering  consultancy services, to achieve positive results in conservation and heritage management projects, and to create high quality editorial works disseminating knowledge in the field of cultural heritage. In November 2015, Ege was appointed Site Manager for Mudurnu Cultural Heritage Site Management Directorate. In October 2016, she was appointed as the ICOMOS Focal Point for the UN Sustainable Development Goals for the 2016-18 term. For more, see: Heritage- Planning

More personally, Ege is a 3rd Culture Kid (diplomat kid) who grew up in an international setting, and continued to travel as an expat student and professional. She has an interest in community activism related to cultural heritage, the environment, women’s rights and civil liberties in general, as well as various forms of creative expression, including writing, performing and fine arts. For selected artwork, notes and information related to topics of interest, see: ArtworkGeneral Interest- Essays

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